Multifunzione ink-jet a colori A4 con stampa fino al ... (Violet Barker)
Free delivery & award winning customer service at Cartridge Save. It efficiently performs large format printing with the help of its bypass tray. The package includes two black ink cartridges for use with a compatible ink-jet printer.
Attenzione però, perché ovviamente la stampa è in bianco/nero, quindi se siete soliti stampare a colori o volete questa funzione, dovrete comprare una stampante multifunzione a getto di inchiostro anziché a laser, come ad esempio la Epson che vi.
With a built-in duplex functionality, double-sided printing can be completed simply and quickly - helping users to save money and produce a professional look throughout their printed documentation.
Easy-to-Use and Compact Color Inkjet All-in-One You can maximize each print as it accepts high yield cartridges. Huge range of Brother printer cartridges.
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